
Posts Tagged ‘CTP’

It is also available to those on CPP

In OS on 7 October, 2006 at 11:34 am

Microsoft will also let those users who have Windows Vista RC1 (which means that they are on Customer Preview Program, CPP) to download RC2 as well.  Those who are interested can visit this page.  The download will be for a limited period only.  Microsoft also states that RC2 will not receive as much support as RC1 via Windows Update and that RC2 might not be able to upgrade to the full RTM version when Windows Vista ships.

Windows Vista RC2 is available

In OS on 7 October, 2006 at 11:20 am

Yes, it is now available to tech beta testers and soon MSDN subscribers will be able to download it.  RC2 will be the last preview build for Windows Vista.  Microsoft is targeting 25th October to release Windows Vista to those who are holding the enterprise volume license (or something like that).  Thus normal user should be able to purchase it come next year’s January.

Orcas CTP and Expression suite are now available

In Programming on 9 September, 2006 at 1:00 pm

Finally, tools that are compatible with Windows Vista RC1, .NET Framework 3.0 RC1 and Windows SDK RC1 are now available.  Orcas is now a real gem to use, especially the included Cider (the Visual Designer tools for Windows Presentation Foundation) which won’t slow down your Visual Studio anymore.  I am now quite satisfy with Cider performance and it can finally display my application’s GUI in its designer window.

Other tools of interest to any .NET Framework 3.0 programmer are Expression Interactive Designer, Expression Graphic Designer, and Extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation.  Enjoy!

Release Candidate for Windows SDK and .NET Framework 3.0

In Programming on 2 September, 2006 at 6:00 pm

Hot on the heels of Windows Vista RC1 (or is it the other way around?), Microsoft has released the set of tools that developers can use on Windows Vista RC1 (or use to develop applications that can work on Windows Vista RC1).

The Windows SDK has been updated to be compatible with RC1 of Windows Vista.  Hopefully, all the header files that had been breaking since Windows Vista interim build 5483, has been fixed and applications build using Windows SDK July CTP will not crash on Windows Vista RC1 (they have been crashing on interim build 5536).

The .NET Framework 3.0 has been bump up to Release Candidate status.  Thus any developer that feels more comfortable in Windows XP (hmmm….. that’s a thought) can install this build of .NET Framework 3.0 (together with Windows SDK RC1) and still be able to program applications that can work on Windows Vista RC1.

Strangely, the Visual Studio 2005 extension for .NET Framework 3.0 (codename Orcas) has not been updated to support RC of .NET Framework 3.0.  It has been missing ever since Windows Vista July CTP and .NET Framework 3.0 July CTP.  I hope this will be release soon.

Lastly, designers who wish to get onto the RC1 bandwagon, have to wait patiently.  This is because Microsoft Expression suite of applications has not been release for RC1 just yet.  Soon.  I hope.

The First Release Candidate for Windows Vista

In OS on 2 September, 2006 at 4:00 pm

Finally, the highly anticipated RC1 (Release Candidate 1) of Windows Vista has been released.  Build 5600 of Windows Vista is now the official RC1 at least according to Paul Thurrott’s RC1 review.  I can’t verify whether Beta Testers have received this RC1 or not, as it is weekend and I am not at work.  However, MSDN subscribers have not received it; I can verify this because MSDN subscribers can access their account online, and I’ve log on to my account and checked; The latest is still August CTP (Build 5536).  This means that I can only get my hand on RC1 when I get back to work on Monday.

If you are interested in knowing what is new since Beta 2, you can check out Paul Thurrot’s review that I have linked in the first paragraph.

Microsoft still targeting November

In OS on 18 August, 2006 at 3:00 pm

Seems like Microsoft will be releasing their up and coming OS, Windows Vista, this November after all.  After several votes of “no-confidence” from online journalists, beta testers and die-hard supporters, Microsoft has instead crank up the gear and shifted into fast speed.  July saw the coming of the July CTP at the end of the month.  Then 1 week later, interim build 5483.  Another week later, interim build 5492.  This thursday, we saw the coming of interim build 5520.

So… Yes, they are definitely in the fast speed lane and November is the goal they are heading for.

Bye Bye Hour Glass, Hello Blue Circle

In OS on 5 August, 2006 at 3:00 pm

Windows Vista July CTP (Build 5472) springs a surprise.  The “Busy” hourglass has been replaced by a revolving blue circle.  If you have tried out the Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, you will be familiar with the new “Busy” or “Working in the background” animation of the mouse cursor; the “Busy” animation while a web page is loading is also using a revolving blue circle.

Seems like the Windows Vista is really getting a “wax and polish” for each version that came out after the Beta 2.  I believe that more changes will be coming our way.

Did you download a copy?

In OS on 12 July, 2006 at 3:00 pm

What is your guess?  How many people downloaded the Windows Vista Beta 2 Customer Preview Program (CPP)?  Apparently, Microsoft has not release this information yet.  However the bandwidth needed to cater for everyday download had reached a stage whereby increasing the bandwidth some more will potentially bring down the whole Internet!

Incidentally, if you have not download a copy, the Customer Preview Program has already been closed.

Windows Vista Beta 2 is looking good

In OS on 26 May, 2006 at 3:00 pm

Windows Vista Beta 2 - Build 5384After using Windows Vista Beta 2 (Build 5384.4) for about one whole day, I find that this is the most polish Windows Vista OS ever since Microsoft releases CTP build at the PDC 05.  It seems that Microsoft has gotten their act together to deliver a much better experience.  The look and feel are all iron out nicely with more consistency.

Performance is also much better.  It used to be that after you login, you’ve got to wait a while before you can get hold of the command to order the computer around.  This time round a fade out and fade in, then you can straight make use of the quick launch bar, the start menu or even right click to personalize your computer.  Even the installation take shorter time than last build.

Its getting better and better; I am looking forward for the actual release so that I can use it daily for all my regular business.

Office 2007 Beta 2 is out for the public

In Software on 24 May, 2006 at 3:00 pm

Yes it is finally out.  Click on the link below and try it out.  Go ahead, its a good software, worth the time you spend on it to try (or should I say test?).

I am definitely going to check this new release of Office 2007 out.  New usability idea, can I use that “Ribbon” in my application development?