
Posts Tagged ‘Holiday’

Trip to Hokkaido, Japan

In Personal on 2 August, 2006 at 3:56 pm

Last week, I was on a much needed vacation trip to Hokkaido for 7 days.  Actually its just 5 full days in Hokkaido as the first and last days were spent traveling to airport after airport after airport.  The initial flight of 6 and a half hour take us to Tokyo’s Narita airport, then we need to take a coach for another 1 hour to transfer to Tokyo’s Haneda airport and take another flight of about 1 and a half hour to reach Hokkaido’s Chitose airport.

Hokkaido Country Road

Overall it is a nice trip.  It would have been a great trip if not for the constant need to travel in a coach.  Hokkaido scenery is really very nice; when you get to the top of certain mountain, you can actually see the opposite mountain with clouds floating below your current level.  This is definitely a rare sight for us city dwellers.

Hokkaido Flower Season Plantation

The floral plantations are simply magnificent.  We actually went to 2 of the bigger plantation.  The above plantation is somewhere near to Furano and it is called Four Season Plantation (a somewhat direct translation from the Japanese name). The other which is an even bigger plantation is situated at Furano, call Tomita Farm.  There you can see one whole big patch of rainbow flower plantation.

Hokkaido Otaru Seaport

Hokkaido is also well known for its seafood spread.  Every meal for us consists of seafood: salmon, crabs and more crabs!  At the above place, Otaru Seaport, you can find live king crab that cost a minimum of 10,000 yen, which is roughly equal to SGD $138!