
Archive for February 6th, 2006|Daily archive page


In Personal on 6 February, 2006 at 11:10 am

I had a meetup with my college friends last Sunday.  It was such a long time since last we met and some of them already have 2 or 3 kids.  How time flies.  Luckily we still have plenty to talk about and the meetup was quite a good one.

iBlog advance posting – Not Working

In Software on 6 February, 2006 at 10:00 am

For the past few days, I was trying out the advance posting feature of iBlog.  But seems like it is not working.  I have slated for my 3 posts to be published at 7am on 4-6 Feb, but when I went into my website on the afternoon of 5 Feb, none of the advance posts were published.  Then I login to manage my account and try to update the posts (so as to finally published them).  My posts are finally all published but seems like I can’t do advance posting.

Sony Reader

In Electronic on 6 February, 2006 at 2:00 am

Will this device finally revolutionize reading experience?  Weighing about 255g, it can store the equivalent of 80 books.  But the size and storage is not the main thing, the truly innovative feature is the display.  Quote from its official website:

“The result is a reading experience that’s similar to paper – high contrast, high resolution, viewable in direct sunlight and at a nearly 180-degree angle, and requiring no power to maintain the image.”Available in Spring 2006, you can get the detail here.